When it comes to scoring an amazing designer handbag or tracking down that specific bag that you’ve been looking high and low for, there’s nowhere better to look than StockX.
Why should you choose to buy and sell on StockX? Good question. When you buy a bag on StockX, the bag is first sent to StockX by the seller to be authenticated and checked before it is finally sent to you (the buyer). This is amazing because there is nothing worse than spending all that money only to find out that you’ve been catfished with a fake bag. There is a huge catalog of over 11,000 bags from Chanel, Hermes, LV, Gucci and Goyard (more brands being added over time) for you to browse through.
Skip the headache of sellers/buyers contacting you directly and trying to swindle their way into a different price. Buyers and sellers stay totally anonymous on StockX.
There are two ways in which you can purchase a bag on StockX – There are two ways in which you can purchase a bag on StockX – you have the option to either Buy Now (transaction happens immediately) or place a BID (transaction happens when there is a match between the buyer and the seller’s price).
The most unique thing about the StockX platform is that buyers can place a BID even if a bag isn’t listed for sale — this allows potential sellers to know you want a bag and what you’re willing to pay. Yes, you read that correctly… even if the bag you’ve been drooling over for a while now isn’t currently listed for sale on StockX, you can still put your bid out there in the StockX universe in hopes that your dream bag will find you. New bags get listed every day, so don’t go acting all crazy if the bag you want isn’t for sale today — it could get listed in a day, week or month. Patience my friend… patience!!
Head on over to StockX and find your dream bag today AND take $50 off your first purchase using code: Taylor50
Follow StockX bags on IG: @Stockxbags
Twitter: @StockXBags
Facebook: StockX
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